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Martin de Porres grew up in Lima, Peru much loved but quite poor. He had the dark skin of his mother, a freed black slave, and the courageous heart of both her and his absent father, a Spanish soldier. Despite the harsh prejudices he faced for being so distinctly dark and fatherless. young Martin grew up with a prayerful and generous spirit, loving all people as his brothers and sisters in Christ. Even before fulfilling his vocation as a Dominican, Martin acted on his yearning to serve God by apprenticing as a barber (which at the time emphasized the healing arts). These skills brought him great joy because like Jesus, he could tend those in need. Later as a Dominican brother Martin received the divine gift of bilocation and found himself ministering to ailing souls all over the world! Despite the fame that came to this holy man from his medicinal talents, Brother Martin remained ever humble, even referring to himself "Brother Broom."
Our friendly and fun portrait of the beloved South American Saint (who was a good friend of Saint Rose of Lima’s, by the way) pays tribute to this joyful disciple who was known for sharing God’s love with everyone from the mice in the kitchen to the sick far away. It is paired with a petition of gratitude and hope; a prayer calling each of us to embrace the people and predicaments in our lives like Saint Martin de Porres did: with courage and humility, and most of all, the compassion of Christ.
- Image: Saint Martin de Porres
- Prayer: To St. Martin de Porres
- Feast Day: November 3rd
- Patron of: Bi-racial peoples, Social Justice, Those who suffer discrimination, Barbers & Hairdressers.
- Lima, Peru 1579 - 1639
Pillowcase Material: Poly/Cotton Blend
20" x 31" to fit Standard and Queen-sized pillows.