This wry genre-bending graphic novel from Goto delves into aging, independence, lost love, and mortality with a whimsy that doesn't undercut its literary heft. Kumiko Saito, an elderly Japanese Canadian woman, runs away from an assisted living facility to reclaim her autonomy and embrace a solitary-but not lonely-life. Putting off her overbearing daughter and living on the bare essentials, Kumiko relishes swimming, simple cooking, and shopping on her own. Soon, however, Kumiko senses a presence encroaching on her solitude-a shadowy being that wants to take her somewhere she's not ready to go.
Soon Kumiko has trapped Death in her vacuum cleaner. Now what does she do with it?
Additional Information:
- Author: Hiromi Goto, Ann Xu (Illustrated by)
- Published March 2021
- 368 pages, hardcover
- 8.8 x 6.3 inches